Queenstown Jazz Village5 IMG2190BigBand2

MoreFM Jazz Village - Queenstown Jazz Orchestra @ Queenstown Village Green

25 October 2014 2:00pm - 4:00pm

MoreFM Jazz Village, Village Green


The Queenstown Jazz Orchestra plays a wide range of big band style tunes from Glenn Miller, Buddy Rich, Frank Sinatra and Count Basie through to Michael Bubble and Chicago. The first big band in the Wakatipu and the only ensemble in the Southern Lakes, Central Otago and Southland, the 18 piece band are passionate about jazz and feature at many high profile events - both corporate and community. The orchestra's members come from throughout Otago and as far afield as New York.


This is a great opportunity to some of the region's best jazz exponents mix it up veritable cocktail of jazz styles and musings.

Free Event
